What are the most essential travel tips you could remember to have a memorable trip? Well, that depends on the objective you are travelling for in the first place.
But in this blog post, I will be giving you great tips you could have if you are visiting any country, city, or town just for exploring and knowing more about the place you are visiting.
Now travelling has many objectives. Some people travel for business, others for seeing their families or friends, some for a particular reason, and primarily for visiting and exploring new places.
In this blog post, I will be talking about visiting and exploring new places. So, if you like to travel and explore new cities and towns, then you will acquire the best tips you could ever know to get the most of your trip. Let’s start !

The tips mentioned in this blog are tips taken from the experience of many people who like travelling to explore the world and get to know other cultures. A big part of them are Luke Stays guests, and that is how were their experience.
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Tip #1: Meet the local people.
Meeting the locals is the best way to know about the place you are visiting. Most often, local people love to speak with tourists and to new people outside their city or town, they will get interested in you as a visitor, and they will start leading you to many things that you need to know as a visitor.
You can often meet the local people on the streets you are walking in or from the visiting places in their town; just be approachable and allow for spontaneity. Another way is the online approach, by using Meetup or AirBnB.
Tip#2 – Always carry the local currency.
Carrying the local currency by cash is too important, just to make sure you’re buying the value and not spending your money useless.
For example, a 100$ converted to local currency can have a higher buying value than using the 100$ itself.
Another reason is that most of the places you go will be using the local currency, so it is better to always use the local currency while travelling.
Tip#3 – Eat the Street Food
One of the best ways to know more about the city or town you are visiting is trying their street food.
Eating street food, or other people’s food, is the best way to issue a connection between yourself and the culture you are visiting.
One more good thing about street food, is that it is cheaper and more original than the food in the restaurants.
Tip#4 – Check out the transportation methods
Typically, when you are travelling, you need to go from place to place, and you do that by taking the transportation provided by the city or town you are visiting.
So you need to know and understand the transportation in each city you’re travelling to. You need to check the timings, the prices, the locations, and how to use it.
You can literally save a lot of money and time by knowing how to use the transportation in the city you are in.
Tip #5 – Adjust your sleeping times once you reach as same as the local time zone.
Why doing that, you might ask. Well, the first reason is for your health.
Just to mention, when you are travelling and visiting somewhere, you need to be energized and in a good state so you will be able to enjoy your time and get to know new things.
The second reason is that you need to be moving with time according to your local place. Why? Because you don’t want to sleep when the locals are in their total activity, because you don’t want to miss anything during the day or night.
So, when you visit a place, just make sure when the local people go to sleep, and when they start their day. That way, you can plan your day much better and get the most out of it.
Tip#6 – Learn a few from the local language
I’ve stated earlier in this blog, in Tip#1, is to meet local people to get to know more about the city you’re visiting. But what if you met local people that do not know any language but their language?
We all know that the common language is English worldwide, and almost all countries are familiar with it. On the other hand, many people don’t.
Some local people don’t know how to speak English, and others know English but don’t like to use it. So, you better understand a few phrases of the local language for engagements with the local people and in case you’re lost or anything else.
Tip #7 – Wisely choose where you stay.
Here I am talking about hotels, hostels, hosts, or wherever you are staying for the night to sleep.
While travelling, you can spend plenty of money on a place to stay or rest. You should be aware of every place you are booking for the night, and what they usually offer and charge you for staying.
An effective way to know the good places to stay is by using Booking.com or Airbnb. Or you can simply ask the locals, and they might lead you to perfect places to stay. If you’re lucky, they can invite you to their home as well.
Tip #8 – Don’t carry your documents with you.
Not to mention anything negative, but honestly, you don’t need to carry your documents with you. Simply have softcopies of them on your mobile phone or tablet, in case you might need them, and keep them safe in the place you are staying in and lock it.
Many people I know lost some of their documents in their travel due to forgetting them someplace, lost their bag accidentally, or sometimes being stolen for some reason.
So honestly, I don’t recommend carrying them unless you are going to change the whole place you are staying in, or when you are travelling back home.
Tip #9 – Keep taking photos; they will all be memories.
You can always delete photos and videos you don’t like. While travelling, one crucial thing to keep in mind is taking pictures and videos as much as possible.
I am not mentioning spending your trip as a cameraman. Still, indeed you should take a photo of every single activity you do, whether it is a place you visited, a meal you ate, a random animal or person you met, and countless things you can experience.
Later that day, when you go to sleep, just check all the photos and videos you took, enjoy a quick review of the day, and eliminate the ones you did not see good to save.
Tip #10 – Carry a journal, and write about your journey.
Many people carry journals, and I am one of them, but on the other side, many don’t.
It is fine and up to you for the people who don’t carry a journal. But if you’re travelling, you certainly should carry with you a journal and start writing everything about everything you see, eat, touch, and feel.
Journal is one of the best ways to save some of your trips’ events, so, later on, you can remember them and smile, or share them with your family and friends.
These are some of the ten best tips for travelling to visit a new place. Keeping in mind these tips, you will surely enjoy your trip, and you will gain more experience than travelling typically.
Of course, travel tips are countless, but these are some of the most important. More information will be shared in later posts.
If you are interested in visiting Dubai, check this blog “Living in Dubai” on everything you should know about when visiting Dubai. This blog will also guide you more on how to travel and explore places and get the most out of them.